Diary Study for Non-Monogamous Couples

Are you in a consensually non-monogamous couple?
Researchers at Western University are looking for participants in non-monogamous relationships for a paid 12-week study. We understand that even though non-monogamous couples experience fulfilling and loving relationships, they still face discrimination because society largely assumes monogamy to be the “default setting” in partnerships. It is our hope that through research, a broader understanding of these relationships can help to dispel some of the stigma these relationships may face.
You are eligible for this study if:
You currently have one partner you consider to be your “main” or “primary” partner
You and your partner are in a consensually non-monogamous relationship
You and/or your partner regularly engage in sexual activity or go on dates outside of your relationship
Both you and your partner are at least 24 years old
Both you and your partner are willing to participate
You and your partner are located in Canada, the U.S. or the U.K.
What the study entails:
We’re going to ask you and your partner to each complete an initial 10-minute survey about your relationship
Following this, you and your partner will each receive a short (5-minute) survey online each week for 12 weeks. This survey will ask about you and your partner's dating experience each week.
You will be compensated up to $40 ($80 per couple), paid through an Amazon gift-card. Compensation is based on the number of surveys completed.
Your participation will create meaningful advancements in relationship science, and we thank you for your consideration. We invite you to respond fully and honestly; the goal of this research is to be inclusive, supportive, and free of judgement.
If you and your partner think you may be eligible and are interested in participating, please reach out to us at: cnmdiary@uwo.ca